The only disadvantage

The only disadvantage is that he always capture toward to the objective.EmenikeEmenike is a dark and difficult striker with Cheap FIFA 15 Coins outstanding rate. The key features is Shoot, completing his Workrate is Great / Low. Emenike is very appropriate as a single striker. DoumbiaIn area reclamation interval, Doumbia is a striker with the best capturing. He can crack, protect, pass and capture. He also has 93 rate.

If he connects the top five teams, his cost will go up many periods. RamosIf you can』t manage Lewandowski or ST Muller in Bundesliga Lewandowski, Ramos is the first choice, the Bundesliga gamers choose him who is the first gamer for ranking. IbarboEach group will have a extremely efficient striker.

In Serie A, Ibarbo is such a gamer. Either highly efficient Tevez or Higuain is not outstanding as Ibarbo at the starting. The only disadvantage is his bad Complete. His capturing several periods return for a awesome objective.A outstanding gamer to start up wilderness can not only prevent the gap between you and others, but also help exercise your strategy.