請問被攔截者的 "客戶端類型" 中出現 *[DHEv2] 是什麼意思?

如題, 感謝回答指教 :grinning:


Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) block or throttle BitTorrent connections because of the high bandwidth occupation it generates on their network, due to the sheer number of people using BitTorrent and to the high amounts of data transfered. Protocol Encryption combats this attack vector by hiding the fact that connections are BitTorrent connections. Some ISPs cannot distinguish an encrypted connection from any other random data connection, so they are unable to label it as a BitTorrent connection, and consequently, cannot block or throttle it for being a BitTorrent connection.

一些 Internet 服务提供商 (ISP) 阻止或限制 BitTorrent 连接,因为它会在其网络上产生高带宽占用,使用 BitTorrent 的人数众多,并且传输的数据量很大。 Protocol Encryption 通过隐藏连接是 BitTorrent 连接的事实来对抗这种攻击媒介。一些 ISP 无法区分加密连接和任何其他随机数据连接,因此他们无法将其标记为 BitTorrent 连接,因此无法阻止或限制它是 BitTorrent 连接。



謝謝. 翻譯很清楚, 通順. 連結內容會再找時間研究, 再次感謝. :heart_eyes:

謝謝回覆. 很多術語還要再加強學習. 有問題會再提出, 希望不要覺得厭煩. 再次感謝. :sunglasses: